International Digital Convention - A CECUA Position
This issue is currently a topic of particular international interest. CECUA has elaborated a position paper that has been submitted for further consideration. Read more
Ongoing discussions at WSIS on essentials of the future of the information society. Read more
Digital cooperation, today and in the future.
see News
Confederation of European Computer User Associations
Confédération Européenne des Associations d'Utilisateurs des Technologies de l'Information
What have they got in common?
Where do they differ?
According to CECUA definition, those three groups, although overlapping, have different interests. Those three groups are not after technology as such. Rather they are after functionality and what good use they can make of it. That is what they have in common.
But they also have differences. Users of information technology have long-term views and strategic interests with special regards to functionality over technology and the use of data. Consumers buy products that should be inexpensive, serve consumer needs and provide benefits. Citizens are looking for general conditions in life, state protection, freedom and social values.
CECUA’s mission is to address and put forward the views and concerns of all those groups. In this way CECUA promotes the interests of the groups vis-à -vis politics, industry and the diversity of European Countries and regions. Therefore, we are serving the needs of users, consumers and citizens, but our special focus is on the user aspects.
Professor Dr. Jon Thorhallsson Dr. Bruno Vogel