International Digital Convention - A CECUA Position
This issue is currently a topic of particular international interest. CECUA has elaborated a position paper that has been submitted for further consideration. Read more
Ongoing discussions at WSIS on essentials of the future of the information society. Read more
Digital cooperation, today and in the future.
see News
Confederation of European Computer User Associations
Confédération Européenne des Associations d'Utilisateurs des Technologies de l'Information
Februar 2018
2nd Open Meeting Semantis – ISCC
"Digital cooperation today and in the future"
Friday 2nd 2018 - p.m 14h -16h30
Institute des Sciences de la Communication - CNRS
20 Rue Berbier-du-Mets, Paris 13ème (Gobelins)
14h - Opening - Anne-Marie Laulan, Adviser at ISCC
14h10 - Margaret Dunham, interprète, researcher LACITO-CNRS
"Deconstruct and refound communication" (10’)
Debate with participants
14h30 - Didier Van der Meeren, Director Le Monde des Possibles
"Dynamics of social innovation, migration issues" (10’)
Debate with participants
15h00 - Louis Pouzin, Internet pionneer
"The new Internets" (10’) Debate with participants
15h30 - Richard Delmas, politologue, President Semantis asbl
"Orphan issues of the Internet as a common good" (10’)
Debate with participant
16h00 - RoundTable : How to further proceed with cooperative digital projects and with who? Pre-projet « Bénin »
16h30 – Closing
- With the kind support of Semantis asbl and Cecua Academy
- Our warm thanks to ISCC – CNRS Paris and to Le Monde des Possibles, Liège
Januar 2018
Cecua Academy will meet with colleagues from Semantis and Le Monde des Possibles at the Institute of Information and Communication Sciences in Paris on the afternoon of 2nd Febrary 2018. The theme of the meeting, open to debate, is: " Digital cooperation, today and in the future
September 2017
European Cyber Security Month 2017 – Awareness to be increased
ECSM (European Cyber Security Month) is the EU’s annual awareness campaign taking place in October and organized by ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security). ECSM aims to raise awareness on cyber security.
CECUA gives special priority to IT Security, has been ESCM partner (see publications) and supports ECSM 2017.
Awareness on Cyber Security has to be increased significantly. ECSM 2017 has special weekly themes:
- Cyber Security in the Workplace
- Governance, Privacy and Data Protection
- Cyber Security in the Home
- Skills in Cyber Security
For detailed information see https://cybersecuritymonth.eu
August 2017
CECUA submits position paper on 'International Digital Convention'
Presently several groups devote particular attention to this issue. In particular, it has been widely discussed at the WSIS FORUM 2017 in Geneva. Furthermore, it will probably be an important topic at the 12th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (18-21 December 2017 at the United Nations Office, Geneva).
Taking into account its previous work CECUA has elaborated a position paper that has been submitted to involved persons for further consideration.
Read paper
June 2017
CECUA supports WSIS event
The WSIS Forum (World Summit on the Information Society, 12. - 16. June 2017, Geneva) represents the world's largest annual gathering of the 'ICT for development' community. It is co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD. Richard Delmas, President Semantis, is moderator at the workshop ‘Languages of the World: Digital Networks and ICT Tools for Inclusion, Education, and Content Creation’ and has provided an abstract with relates to multilinguism and cultural diversity in cyberspace. Read abstract
May 2017
CECUA renewed its registration at Belgian authorities.
From the beginning CECUA started as a non-profit association registered in Brussels according to Belgian law.
For the renewal of this registration it has been necessary to revise the statutes and to process a formal application at the Belgian authorities supported by a specialized lawyer. These significant efforts have started by deceased CECUA President Prof. Dr. Jon Thorhallsson. In spite of problems and delays caused by his sudden and unexpected death now the process has been finalized according to the confirmation of the suddenly.
For CECUA this successful renewal of the registration as a non-profit association in Brussels is an important step in a good future.
February 2017
CECUA has confirmed its membership to FAIB.
The FAIB is the Federation of European and International Associations established in Belgium. FAIB offers a broad range of support for European and international non for profit organizations. These services are very useful for CECUA. Therefore the existing membership has been confirmed.
October 2016
+++ In Memoriam +++
Prof. Dr. Jón Thorhallsson, Reykjavik, Iceland
A friend and real European personality has been called home by God - in September 2016.
His friends and colleagues in information technology (IT) mourn for a grand Icelandic person, a bridge builder between IT experts, IT- and software industry, IT-users of all kinds of digital systems, software and their applications. He always regarded the human aspects, humanistic influences, heavy impacts on personal lives, on society and groups, on interdependencies inside the society, the serious and permanent impacts through new evolutions in and around IT media.
Prof. Thorhallsson was a wise man, with his bright senses observing and weighing the permanent changes and interdependencies, describing - gifted with literal capacity - the consequences and impacts on national, European and worldwide communication, humanity and mankind.
Prof. Dr. Thorhallsson was a highly estimated advisor to the EU Commission on numerous information technology issues as - Cyber security, speech recognition and real time translation, member of the European Internet Forum, EURID the European Registry of Internet Domain Names and many others.
Prof. Thorhallsson's special concerns focused on a "Bill of Rights" for users, consumers, citizens of all kinds of ICT and media. This Bill of Rights shall take under consideration the impact, the evolution, the changes of behaviour in business and private life. Men and women should not be influenced without limits by ICT, media structures and related pressure. A Code of Good Conduct for ICT and media is required. Important ideas for such aspects were formulated by Prof. Thorhallsson.
CECUA, the Confederation of European Computer (IT) User Associations has lost her president, one of its main thinkers, initiator of influential ideas and projects. CECUA deeply mourns for him – with many friends and colleagues. It seems nearly impossible to replace Prof. Thorhallsson.
Though, a group of his CECUA team, a group of highly appreciated persons will continue Jon Thohallsson’s good work, will finalize his started projects and will care for the future of CECUA. The CECUA board stays very active. And though, we are aware that we are not able to fully match the style of this Grand Seigneur.
o Tilo Steinbrinck, Kiel, Germany, former president of CECUA
o Prof. Dr. George Pangalos, Thessaloniki, Greece, former president of CECUA
o Stuart Goold, United Kingdom, former president of CECUA
o Alain Moscowitz, France, Vice President of CECUA
o Didier Carré, France, Vice President of CECUA
o Friedrich Dittmer, Germany, CECUA Director Media and Public Relations
o Dr. Bruno Vogel, Germany, CECUA Director Technology
July 2016
CECUA has been invited to be a 2016 ENISA ECSM Partner.
What is ENISA and what is ESCM?
ENISA is the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security, a center of expertise for cyber security in Europe. The Agency is located in Greece with its seat in Heraklion Crete and an operational office in Athens. ENISA works mostly at the level of European Member States including the European Commission. But once a year ENISA reaches out to European Citizens and organizes the European Cyber Security Month or ESCM. ECSM takes place in October every year and is a key strategic event for ENISA.
This is a second year in a row that CECUA joins the group of ESCM partners. Our Director Technology Dr. Bruno Vogel is the CECUA ESCM coordinator.
Security has always been high on the CECUA Agenda. And even so more now with the advent of Internet for all or Industry 4 where everything in workplace and home is interconnected from laptop to refrigerator and washing machine. Technology provides security solutions. However, what one person creates another person can get around. In the end it is the awareness of people which counts. And that is what ESCM is all about. To reach out to users/citizens/consumer with a helping hand.
For more detailed ESCM information see https://cybersecuritymonth.eu
Also Dr. Bruno Vogel is available for further information and support at bruno.vogel@cecua.eu
May 2016
Important event in the European Parliament in Brussels on 24/05/2016 supported and co-organized by CECUA
EIF dinner debate 'Trust & Cyber-security':
Europe contribution to the Economic & Social development
The event was attended by a high-level selected audience of nearly 50 persons. Some of them are members of the European Parliament. The presentations and extensive discussions focused on the future challenges and security threats with regard to critical infrastructures and personal life. Members of Parliament, speakers and qualified participants contributed to a broad range of views and arguments. In this way the event was very useful.
As invited speakers Didier Carré and Dr. Bruno Vogel presented some CECUA views.
Furthermore Didier Carré had a key role in the preparation of this event of the European Internet Forum (EIF).
For further information see www.eifonline.org
see video slide-version:
Are we safe online?
EIF seized the opportunity to ask the speakers if we are gaining or losing ground in the race to contain threats to our cyber-security and this is what they had to say...
Further events:
In May 2016 CECUA attended two further important events in Brussels:
- Trust Services Forum 2016 (organized by ENISA, see www.enisa.europa.eu)
- EIF breakfast debate 'Smart Cities' at the European Parliament (see www.eifonline.org)