International Digital Convention - A CECUA Position
This issue is currently a topic of particular international interest. CECUA has elaborated a position paper that has been submitted for further consideration. Read more
Ongoing discussions at WSIS on essentials of the future of the information society. Read more
Digital cooperation, today and in the future.
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Confederation of European Computer User Associations
Confédération Européenne des Associations d'Utilisateurs des Technologies de l'Information
Current Publications of CECUA
December 2017
Ongoing discussions at WSIS about Local interventions, global impacts, Internet disruptions, encryption and data flows.
Richard Delmas, President of Semantis, informs about important developments.
The WSIS Forum (World Summit on the Information Society) represents the world's largest annual gathering of the 'ICT for development' community. It is co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD.
CECUA Editorial by Richard Delmas.
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August 2017
International Digital Convention - A CECUA Position
Presently several groups devote particular attention to this issue. In particular, it has been widely discussed at the WSIS FORUM 2017 in Geneva. Furthermore, it will probably be an important topic at the 12th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (18-21 December 2017 at the United Nations Office, Geneva).
Taking into account its previous work CECUA has elaborated a position paper that has been submitted to involved persons for further consideration.
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June 2017
How to meet an unknown challenge - Why do we misjudge Cyber Security and Data Protection?
Facing a challenge and taking precautionary measures is a basic and normal part of human life. But emotions play a key role with regard to the practical consequences of threats.
The article by Dr. Bruno Vogel presents some basic views..
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April 2017
Strategy and Priorities for the interests and the benefits of IT users
CECUA has a long history representing users, consumers, citizens. These three groups are different and with regard to our digital future we need a European Voice.
CECUA Board of Directors presents its views..
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March 2017
User rights and our digital future - How can we cover the impossible as much as possible?
More and mor we all recognize that our future will mainly be a digital future. But then user rights for this digital future are a key part of our life as individuals and as citizens of local, national and global societies.
The article presents some basic considerations and recommendations.
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February 2017
Netiquette, Rules, Rights or Law - What suits best for the Citizen of the Digital Community
With regard to current efforts for users rights in the internet it makes sense to have a look on given historical roots. CECUA has been very early active and had continuously a look at updating them. Many issues have a long-term meaning.
Friedrich Dittmer, CECUA Director Media and Public Relations presents some basic views.
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January 2017
Accessibility: the ever mentioned but frequently elusive goal
Accessibility is a key point within basic rights of users of information technology covering many very different aspects. The publication refers to recent European efforts, covers basic requirements and hints to further needs with regard to our digital future.
Prof. Dr. LuÃs Fernández-Sanz is associate professor at the university of Alcalá, Spain. He is involved in CECUA. Furthermore, he has been Vice-President of the Spanish user organization ATI from 2011 to 2016 and now its representative in CEPIS. At the European level he is currently member of the board of directors of CEPIS where he was vicepresident from 2011 to 2013.
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December 2016
European Cyber Security - a useful month but we need more
Information technology is more and more penetrating and driving our daily life and our society. As a consequence Cyber Security is a basic need for our digital future and our global society. Once a year supported by partners the related agency of the European Union (ENISA) organizes the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM). ECSM 2016 has been an important and useful contribution but Cyber Security needs much more efforts of many players. Future-oriented and pragmatic action is required.
Dr. Bruno Vogel presents a CECUA view.
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October 2016
In memory of CECUA President Prof. Dr. Jon Thorhallsson
CECUA President Prof. Dr. Jon Thorhallsson died unexpectedly end of September 2016. CECUA mourns an irreplacable loss, but will try hard to continue his good work.
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October 2016
The User 4.0 What is he or she?
CECUA President Prof. Dr. Jon Thorhallsson was prepared to speak in Brussels on the 30th September 2016 at the Kick off event of the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM). He died unexpectedly a few days before the event. His speech was prepared to be published immediately after the event.
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September 2016
European Cyber Security Month 2016 - Why should we care?
Once a year the European Cyber Security Month is organized.
Security has always been high on the CECUA Agenda. Technology provides security solutions but in the end it is the awareness of people which counts.
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August 2016
Network and information security for the European digital society:
About the ENISA / NIS directive
In a constantly evolving digital environment, threats to the network and information systems in Europe are growing rapidly. Network and Information Security (NIS) is fundamental for the development of the European digital society. ENISA is the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security, established in 2004.
Above all, the recent adoption of the European NIS Directive of the European Parliament and the Council, further calls for enhanced commitment of ENISA in supporting a coherent approach towards NIS across Europe.
Paulo Empadinhas, Head of Stakeholder Relations and Administration Department of ENISA,
has provided a very interesting guest editorial.
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July 2016
Hate speech is out! Free expression is still in? Is it possible?
The ever so popular social media offer communication with almost anybody on almost everything.
What about the content? What about hate speech? What can be done?
The European Commission has signed an agreement with important providers of social media.
The president comments on these current European efforts.
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June 2016
ICT Language Issues for Education, Innovation, Culture and Development:
Richard Delmas, President of Semantis, refers to the recent WSIS event in Geneva.
The WSIS Forum (World Summit on the Information Society) represents the world's largest annual gathering of the 'ICT for development' community. It is co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD.
CECUA Guest Editorial by Richard Delmas.
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May 2016
Trust & Cyber-security
CECUA presented its views at the EIF dinner debate in the European Parliament in Brussels.
On behalf of CECUA Didier Carré had a key role in the preparation of this event of the European Internet Forum (EIF)
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May 2016
Will we still need a doctor? Digital future will radically change medical services.
Global services and independent home soutions will supplement local professional medical services.
Keywords like mHealth and eHealth are getting more and more important. Big players, innovative companies, providers of medical equipment, European funding and medical societies have started big efforts to address this future market. A huge market will be subject to major changes and challenges.
Dr. Bruno Vogel tries a look at our medical future.
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April 2016
Why should we intensify our efforts on security? The need for more intensive efforts to IT security of critical infrastructures. Should we care about a blackout? Cyber threats put critical infrastructures at risk. ENISA does good work and publishes a useful study.
The article by Dr. Bruno Vogel discusses a very important issue.
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March 2016
What can we do without credit cards? Back to cash or something else?
The Credit Cards are not as safe as promised by the Credit Card Companies. Even chip and pin cards can be broken. And you can buy all you need to do on the internet if you have the money.
Some observations from Prof. Dr. Jon Thorhallsson.
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February 2016
Accessibility and usability of digital services, two critical issues for Europe to lead the way in digital services deployment.
Karl Henry Haglund, a former Head of Unit, DG Information Society, European Commission
and member of CECUA, explores those issues and makes recommendations how to manage them.
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January 2016
We don't like anybody's access to our home! Will our smart home be a secure home?
Our home is a very sensible issue and we want to be in control without any restrictions! But our digital future raises new challenges. ENISA has published an important study that highlights the present situation and covers security measures for improving the security of smart home devices.
The article by Dr. Bruno Vogel presents some basic views.
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December 2015
Speech recognition and real time translation;
how will it shape our digital future?
Prof. Dr. Jon Thorhallsson and Dr. Bruno Vogel comment on a very important issue.
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November 2015
ICANN an experiment in bottom-up democracy.
Only Internet can make it possible.
Some observations from the president.
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October 2015
Cyber Security Self-defense is the best defense. It is a behavioral problem more than a technical one.
Hanna Kulju in this Guest Editorial explains the situation and suggests a way to educate users in self defense.
CECUA presents a guest editorial from Hannu Kulju, Finland.
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October 2015
Cyber security is vital for our digital future, but what about the user? Is he sufficiently involved? Who cares about him?
Digital Future and cybersecurity are vital and basic subjects, where the user/consumer/citizen plays a crucial role. But there are many other players at work and the issues also have their own tremendous dynamics and internal laws. Future-oriented and pragmatic action is required for getting the avalanche as manageable as possible. Many aspects must be considered. To close our eyes is the worst way.
Dr. Bruno Vogel presented CECUA views at the ECSM Kick-off in Brussels.
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October 2015
Why are so few people interested in network and information security?
Is it because of some sort of misunderstandings?
What can we do about it? Prof. Dr. Jon Thorhallsson has been working intensively with the topic.
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October is European Cyber Security Month! October 2015
Network and information security is crucial for us. We need much more awareness and priorization of the issue.
The President comments on this important issue.
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Cyber security is a shared responsibility! September 2015
The European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is an EU advocacy campaign that promotes cyber security among citizens and advocates for change in the perception of cyber-threats, by promoting data and information security, education, sharing of good practices and competitions.
CECUA is happy to be ECSM Partner 2015.
CECUA will be helping to spread the ECSM Message: STOP. THINK. CONNECT.
Security is a top user issue and strongly supported by CECUA. Without security there will be no digital market, another user issue. During the ECSM month October 2015 CECUA will be publishing more news on ECSM.
Prof. Dr. Jon Thorhallsson
CECUA President
. For details see ECSM-Website

Speaking in my mother tongue and the whole world understands me. Cool? The world of developments is moving fast. August 2015
The President comments on important developments.
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We need Internet Schengen to remove Geo blocking There is no language barrier for football! July 2015
Comments on related user needs
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No man is a good doctor who has never been ill himself German Parliamentarians turn anti-hackers. June 2015
Prof. Dr. Jon Thorhallsson presents his view on a current hacker topic
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CECUA Presentation at WSIS Geneva 2015 May 2015
Didier Carre and Prof. Dr. Jon Thorhallsson presented CECUA and its views
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